Migraines and severe headaches can be very disruptive to daily life – especially when you have them frequently. Relief is often sought through various forms of treatment, especially traditional medicine.
Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat all types of ailments. But did you know that it can be a successful treatment for arthritis, too? Acupuncture treatment for arthritis
Substance abuse and the reasons for it are often quite complex. As such, addiction recovery works differently for each individual. Some require a combination of treatments, and treatments that work
Weight is a major health concern for many people. More than two thirds of Americans are overweight. Being overweight is detrimental to your health in many ways, but many find
Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time for any woman. From the moment of conception, there is a whirlwind of emotions, physical changes, and preparations for the baby’s arrival. One
Using Acupuncture To Treat PCOS And Boost Fertility Using acupuncture for women’s health isn’t a new idea. Traditional Eastern medicine has been treating women’s health and reproductive issues for years
Acupuncture is a practice in Chinese medicine that is considered to be one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It has positive impacts on all the body’s systems,
Stainless steel needles are used with both dry needling and acupuncture. That can make it a little hard to tell the difference between them visually. Both treatments make claims to
Acupuncture treatment is a type of alternative psychotherapy. Usually, its practitioners insert needles at various depths and locations in the body (called acupoints) to address different health concerns. Acupuncture treatments
For many people, spring means living with dreaded seasonal allergies. These allergies to pollen, grass and other environmental factors can cause a range of systems, including coughing and congestion. They