7 Ways Acupuncture Helps Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
The ancient healing practice of Chinese acupuncture is used to bring the body back into balance. Life is full of stressors and, quite often, unhealthy habits. This can cause the body’s Qi to come to a screeching halt. Using thin, sterile
Qi and How it Relates to Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a practice in Chinese medicine that is considered to be one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It has positive impacts on all the body’s systems, including the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and digestive. Qi, on
Dry Needling vs. Acupuncture
Stainless steel needles are used with both dry needling and acupuncture. That can make it a little hard to tell the difference between them visually. Both treatments make claims to treat pain successfully and both insert needles into your skin.
A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness
While mindfulness may seem like a very abstract concept, it really is a basic human exercise. Mindfulness is achieving enlightenment of where you are and what you are doing. Your opened mind has complete awareness of your inner thoughts and
Benefits Of Routine Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture treatment is a type of alternative psychotherapy. Usually, its practitioners insert needles at various depths and locations in the body (called acupoints) to address different health concerns. Acupuncture treatments have been said to help with a variety of health
Ease Seasonal Allergies with Acupuncture
For many people, spring means living with dreaded seasonal allergies. These allergies to pollen, grass and other environmental factors can cause a range of systems, including coughing and congestion. They can alter your quality of life and ability to enjoy
Reflexology Or Acupuncture For Stress: Which Is Better?
Stress can build up in the body and wreak havoc on it. And, over time, it can be very dangerous for your mental and physical health, potentially leading to heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, gut issues, obesity,
5 Ways To Gently Detoxify Your Body
An overall sense of health and wellness starts within the body. Whether it is the polluted air we breathe, the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, or the products we use – unwanted poisons make their way into our
Acupuncture For Mental Health Stability
If you’re struggling to manage your mental health with traditional medicine alone, you may consider alternative treatments like acupuncture. This treatment is available without medical insurance or referral from a doctor. That makes it more accessible and possibly more affordable
Can Acupuncture Help Treat Fibromyalgia?
Millions of Americans suffer from fibromyalgia. It can be difficult to cope with the pain and other symptoms, but many are discovering that acupuncture offers a natural solution.