Detox is an ancient tradition that has become a modern fad. Western detox programs tend to be harsh, attempting to rapidly purge toxins from your system before you return to
Acupuncture is an alternative medical practice that stimulates certain points on the body, most often with a needle penetrating the skin, to relieve pain or treat various health conditions. Traditional
Managing pain is a major concern for emergency rooms across the country. With the growing opioid epidemic, there is a need for non-narcotic pain relief options. Acupuncture for pain relief
Many people rely on alternative medicine and treatments, such as acupuncture, to treat pain and other conditions in a more holistic way than traditional (western) medicine. However, acupuncture isn’t only
Acupuncture has many benefits including the ability to reduce pain, inflammation, and stress. It is minimally invasive and can be performed by skilled acupuncturists at an affordable cost. Since opioid
Acupuncture can be one treatment option available to allergy sufferers. If you’ve never had acupuncture before, managing allergy symptoms might be a good reason to try it for the first
After your first acupuncture appointment, your acupuncturist may talk to you about your diet and what medications or supplements you take. They might recommend you take a certain supplement, if
Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern treatment system that has gained incredible respect from the Western medical community. Alone or in tandem with Western medicine, acupuncture can treat a surprisingly extensive
Acupuncture, both as a stand-alone and in conjunction with mainstream Western medicine, has become incredibly popular. Yet many people do not know exactly what to expect. Every acupuncturist and every
Acupuncture an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has become a respected form of complementary therapy in the Western world. Today it used to treat a variety of